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Advertise on TV with a limited budget

Author: Mary Anne Eades Most people, including small business owners, think that only national brands can afford to advertise on television. That may have been true 20 years ago, but with the sheer variety and number of programs, even small, local businesses can afford to use this platform. Why choose TV advertising? Products and services...

Go With the (Work) Flow, But Don’t Get Overwhelmed

Author: SCORE   Work. You can expect to do a lot of it as a small business owner. After all, success doesn’t happen by itself. On the other hand, it’s usually work you enjoy doing. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have built your business around it.   A heavy workload is typically considered a sign that your...

New Technologies Looking for a Home

UF Office of Technolgy Licensing The University of Florida Office of Technology Licensing has dozens of newly developed technologies waiting for entrepreneurs to turn them into viable commercial products. Here are a few: Improved Bed Bug Sticky Trap with Textured Surface This bed bug sticky trap is surrounded by a mildly textured surface that doesn’t discourage...

Making the Interview Count

How to find out what you really need to know in the job interview by Kathryn Pizzurro Budget is approved, HR posted the job description, and resumes have been reviewed. Now the interviews begin and just how do you plan to select the right candidate? Do Your Homework Your time is valuable, absolutely. But being prepared...

IRS Tax Tip: The Health Care Law’s Effect on Your Tax Filing

IRS Tax Tips are provided as a courtesy from the IRS Nearly everyone is affected by the Affordable Care Act and will need to do something new when filing their taxes this year. The following chart will help you better understand how the health care law affects you and everyone on your return. This chart...

Ask Score: How to Leave Work at Work

Author: Score  Running a small business can be the most exciting, challenging, and perhaps even exhilarating experience of one’s life. Amid all the headaches, deadlines, and responsibilities that only you can fulfill, there’s something satisfying about knowing that, at the end of the workday, you did a lot of good work. That is assuming, of...

The Evolution of Facebook for Business

With 1.35 billion monthly active Facebook users and 1.12 billion active mobile users it has become impossible for business to ignore Facebook as a method of communication. With the growth of local business pages now over 16 million, it has become harder for Facebook to define the line between social and business use and to...

United Way Program Provides Free Tax Preparation

For the fifth consecutive year United Way of North Central Florida  will begin offering free tax services through their Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program beginning on January 17, 2015. This free program helps low-income people in Alachua County secure all the refunds and credits they’re eligible for, including the Earned Income Tax Credit. During...

Beetle Helps Gainesville's Great Air Potato Round Up Morph into Raider Rally

The introduction of an attractive little red beetle, augmenting years of efforts by committed volunteers, is helping rid Gainesville of one of its most noxious plant pests. For 15 years the annual Great Air Potato Round Ups were the largest volunteer community event for the City of Gainesville’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department. Now, with the air potato getting rarer,...

8th Annual GFAA - Winter Fine Arts Festival Set for March 6 - 8, 2015

Writers: Hannah Walters, Sabrina Wilkerson The Gainesville Fine Arts Association will be hosting the 8th Annual Winter Fine Arts Festival on March 6-8, 2015 at the Tioga Town Center. This year’s theme, “Art in Motion” will showcase about 120 illuminated local and national artists booths, featuring 25 artists actively working during the festival. Art is...