The Affordable Care Act with the Santa Fe CIED
The Affordable Care Act and the individual mandate goes into effect Jan. 1, 2014, and you must play or pay. If you do not carry health insurance, you will be subject to a penalty. Keeping what you have is not an option, since in 2014 all individual and group health plans will have to convert to a Qualified Health Plan that meets all the Affordable Care Act’s mandates.
In order to prepare your business, the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the Santa Fe Center for Innovation and Economic Development (CIED) to offer their Affordable Care Act workshop free for Chamber members, as a benefit of being a Chamber member ($49 for non-members). The instructor for this course will be Victor Hazy.
Registration is required. To register, contact Staci Bertrand at
SF CIED: The Affordable Care Act
This workshop will cover:
· The Exchange, Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) opens Oct. 1, 2013. You must go through the FFM to get a subsidy.
· Premiums are expected to rise another 30% to 40% when companies are required to offer Qualified Health Plans (QHP) in 2014.
· About two thirds of Americans will qualify for subsidies on the Exchange.
· Millions of people in Florida who do not currently have health insurance are expected to enroll in plans in 2014, 2015, and 2016. Yet there will still be millions of uninsured people in Florida in 2016.
· Everyone can get health insurance with no health questions and coverage for pre-existing conditions.
· Learn about the “Family Glitch”. Why small business owners may want to stop offering health insurance and allow their employees to go the Exchange.
· Learn about the “Pure” Defined Contribution Model that lets you, the small business owner, get out of the health insurance business and focus on your business.
· Companies with less than 50 full time equivalent employees will not be required to offer health insurance, but will be given the incentive of 35% tax credits in 2013 and 50% in 2014 to do so.