Swearing-in ceremonies set for newly and reelected city commissioners

The swearing-in ceremony for Gainesville City Commissioner-elect James Ingle and Commissioner Desmon Duncan-Walker is scheduled the morning of the first Gainesville City Commission meeting of 2025.
When: 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 6
Where: The Historic Thomas Center Gardens, 302 NE Sixth Ave.
Gainesville City Commissioner Cynthia Moore Chestnut will be sworn in via Zoom at the beginning of the 1 p.m. commission meeting that day in the City Hall Auditorium.
Members of the Gainesville City Commission are elected to four-year terms. During the Aug. 20 primary election, Gainesville voters throughout the city’s four districts elected Commissioner Ingle to the At-Large, Seat A. Commissioner Duncan-Walker was reelected to the Gainesville District 1 seat by voters of the district. Commissioner Chestnut ran unopposed and retained the At-Large, Seat B on the commission.
The swearing-in ceremony is open to the public and will be livestreamed on the city’s Facebook page. It also will be recorded, and the video will be made available on the city’s website, and archived online.
Gainesville City Commission meetings are broadcast on Community 12TV on Cox Cable Channel 12, livestreamed on the city’s website and Facebook page, and also archived online. The commission meetings also are available on demand on GNV TV through Roku and Amazon Fire TV devices.