See Who's Been On the Move in the Last Month
Brij M. Moudgil, professor in the department of materials science and engineering and director of the Center for Particulate and Surfactant Systems, has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Moudgil was chosen for contributions to the field of particle science and technology.
Marshall Criser III has been named the chancellor of the State University System of Florida by the system’s Board of Governors. Criser recently began his fourth year as the Florida House Speaker’s appointee to the Higher Education Coordinating Council. He is a member of the Scripps research Institute Board of Trustees in California and is vice chair of University of Florida’s Board of Trustees.
Desmond Schatz, M.D., medical director of the UF Diabetes Center of Excellence, has been elected president of the American Diabetes Association. Schatz, a professor of pediatrics in the UF College of Medicine and associate chairman of the department of pediatrics, served previously as a member of the ADA’s board of directors. Schatz has been involved with Type 1 diabetes research since the 1980s.
UF Health Information Technology has been named one of InformationWeeks’s top 500 business innovators of 2013 thanks to the development of a program that alerts physicians about patients whose genetics makes them a poor candidate for certain drugs. The department was named No. 22 on a list that included Gap Inc., John Deere, ConocoPhillips and other large companies.