Keep Alachua County Beautiful Hosts A Clean Your Block Party

Keep Alachua County Beautiful (KACB) will hold its 25th annual Great American Cleanup “Clean Your Block Party,” on Saturday, April 7. All are invited to help the effort at Albert “Ray” Massey (Westside) Park, 1001 NW 34th Street, Gainesville, FL 32601. KACB will provide supplies and volunteers can choose a site or be assigned one. The event will run from 8 a.m. to noon.
Individuals, businesses, groups and service organizations across Alachua County are invited to help beautify our community by removing invasive plant species, painting over graffiti, and picking up litter from our streets, parks and other public areas. As a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, Keep Alachua County Beautiful, an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, also needs sponsors for the GAC.
To register, become a sponsor, or for more information on other available dates for cleanup and beautification projects, please visit our website,, or contact KACB at 352-371-9444 or [email protected].