Historic Leadership Gainesville Class Officially Kicked Off This Weekend

August 21, 2013

Leadership Gainesville’s 40th class (LG40) officially got underway this weekend with 41 of the region’s top and emerging leaders enrolled in the historic milestone program that is the fourth-oldest leadership development program in the nation.

Members of this year’s class represent area businesses, big and small, including the higher education, real estate, construction, banking, nonprofit, IT, healthcare and financial sectors, to name a few.

Classmates enjoyed a relaxed reception on Friday night at Sweetwater Branch Inn, where they finally had a chance to meet with who they would be spending their time with this program year. The following day, LG40 participated in the customary and very confidential “ice-breaker” and team-building exercise called “SIM SOC”. As in previous years, the simulated society exercise was facilitated by Dr. Larry Peppers of Clemson University.

The day-long retreat is part of a tradition in Gainesville where classmates are teamed up by color groups and must learn to bond and think as one as they face simulated challenges that mirror real life societies.

LG40 will build on the opening retreat with an intense program year of community topics guided by their Deans Michael Remer, Amber Miller, Mike Powell and Bob Krefting. The first program day of the LG40 experience will begin Sept. 10 with a focus on Gainesville health and human services sectors.

For more information about LG, contact [email protected].

To see a roster of LG participants, visit http://www.gainesvillechamber.com/member-services/leadership-gainesville/leadership-gainesville/.


To learn more about Gainesville’s leadership legacy and alumni, visit http://www.lgalum.com/.