Greater Gainesville celebrates Manufacturing Month in October

November 30, 2016

The Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Advanced Manufacturing Council kicked off its second annual Manufacturing Month with facility tours for Alachua County middle school and high school students. More than 200 local students visited 16 manufacturing facilities to learn about the many things #madeinGNV! Regional manufacturers providing tours included Fracture, Sandvik, Phalanx Defense Systems, Exactech, SiVance, ThemeWorks, Novabone, and Endoscopy Replacement Parts, among others.

Part of a coordinated effort between the Gainesville Chamber and the Alachua County School Board, these tours are designed to expose students to a wide variety of jobs they may not have known existed. It serves a dual purpose of getting students excited about a new career opportunity and proving our region’s manufacturers with the future workforce necessary for continued growth. Student facility tours will continue with one more round next week.

Additionally, nearly 800 guests attended the Arts in Engineering Museum Nights on Thursday, October 13 from 6 to 9 p.m. Among the many displays of art by UF students and faculty were Greater Gainesville regional manufacturers showcasing the latest products and technologies in honor of Manufacturing Month. Showcases included Goodwin’s beautifully detailed hardwood flooring, Fracture’s vivid works of art printed on glass, and Themeworks’ engineered themed fabrications. Also included was Duke Energy’s Grid Solutions Advanced Technology.

The Chamber’s Advanced Manufacturing Council also celebrated Manufacturing Month with the launch of a brand new website aimed at educating citizens on the impact manufacturing has on the Greater Gainesville Region, bringing awareness to the variety of local manufacturers, and inspiring students to pursue areas of study such as business, design and engineering.

For more information, including a complete list of Manufacturing Month events, please visit

A special thank you goes out to Duke Energy for presenting this year’s Greater Gainesville Manufacturing Month.