Gainesville Town Hall Meeting Scheduled for Feb. 10
– City of Gainesville
The Gainesville City Commission is seeking feedback from city residents on strategic initiatives and operational priorities. The commission will hold a town hall meeting Monday, Feb. 10 at 6 p.m. at the City of Gainesville/Alachua County Senior Recreation Center, which is located at 5701 NW 34th Street in Gainesville. All residents of the Gainesville community are invited to come and join commissioners in an informal setting featuring round table discussion groups.
Participation in table discussion groups will provide citizens an opportunity to comment and give feedback to city commissioners on issues that will affect the future of Gainesville. The forum format will address strategic initiatives, such as innovation economy, the Empowerment Center, Gainesville’s parks, recycling and public transportation. The round table discussions will focus on the GTEC area, Power District and Depot redevelopment; the innovation economy and economic development; the development process for businesses; the Empowerment Center; the Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Master Plan; recycling and public safety.
Comments and feedback obtained during the town hall meeting will provide elected officials with insight that will help shape their strategic budgetary decisions for fiscal year 2015.
This is great opportunity for the public to express their opinions to elected city officials and influence near- and long-term planning and budget decisions by the City Commission that will shape our city for years to come.
For American with Disabilities Act accommodations, please call the Office of Equal Opportunity at 352-334-5051. Please direct media inquiries to Bob Woods, communications and marketing manager, at 352-393-8627.