FloridaWorks Promotes 100+ Job Openings for Mall Business Community

August 28, 2013

FloridaWorks, in collaboration with the Oaks Mall, is hosting an informational showcase for holiday season job openings on Thursday, Au 29 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. at the Oaks Mall.

FloridaWorks employees will be located in the Belk pavilion, across from Cotton On and Buckle, to assist job seekers with more than 100 available job openings. Positions range from entry to managerial level, both temporary and permanent. The FloridaWorks tabling area will serve as a one-stop informational area for job seekers. Attendees will learn which businesses are hiring, expected hiring dates and the employers’ preferred method of contact and application submission. Job booklets containing available positions will also be available. 

 More than 20 stores — including Express, Macy’s, Aeropostale, Spencer’s and Things Remembered — are participating by posting their available jobs online at www.EmployFlorida.com, the state’s job-matching database. 

 Interested applicants are encouraged to register in advance on www.EmployFlorida.com, attend the informational showcase and bring multiple copies of their resume. Dress for this event is business casual. The first 50 attendees to bring proof of EFM registration (username) will be eligible to receive a $25 valued gift certificate from Gift Certificates and More.