COX Continues commitment to local communities

February 6, 2018

Cox Communications’ commitment to give back to the communities it serves was evident again in 2017, as the company gave approximately $400,000 in cash and in-kind donations to non-profits, charities and government organizations in Central Florida.

“It is Cox’s culture to give back to the communities we serve,” said Kevin Monroe, market vice president for Cox’s Central Florida service area. “It’s a mission of the company to use our time, talent and technology in ways to strengthen cities, businesses and future generations. Cox is a proud member of the Central Florida community, which is why we champion youth, education, environmental and diversity initiatives. Serving the communities in which our employees and customers live, work and play is a top priority for Cox.”

In 2017, Cox provided funds and services to numerous organizations including, but not limited to, Boys and Girls Clubs, Children’s Home Society, the NAACP, the Cade Museum, Girls Place, Marion Cultural Alliance, Transitions Life Center and many more.

Cox also continued to support local education and the business community with donations and support  to the Education Foundations of Alachua and Marion counties, Duval Early Learning Academy, Oakcrest Elementary School, Howard Middle School as well as area chambers of commerce.

In addition to corporate donations, Cox Charities, a grant program funded entirely by Cox employees, donated over $10,000 to local non-profits and schools.  In the spring, Newberry Elementary received a $5,000 grant, while Junior Achievement and the United Way of Marion County each received  $2,500 to fund their ‘Breaking the Cycle of Generational Poverty” and “Reading Pals” programs, respectively.

Along with the monetary support, several Cox employees served on local nonprofit boards, giving their time back to the community on issues they feel passionate about.  Cox Central Florida employees also partnered with local nonprofits to provide over 1,200 hours of volunteer time in the community.