Chamber to Present Energy Recommendations to City
By Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce
The Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce will present its recommendations relating to energy costs and GRU (Gainesville Regional Utilities) governance to the Gainesville City Commission during the next City Commission public meeting on Thursday, December 19 in the evening at the City Commission.
The four recommendations included in the Gainesville Chamber’s “A Gainesville Solution: The Energy Competitiveness Report” are as follows:
1) Peer Utility Cost Comparison: Benchmark GRU costs to Peer Mean/Average Cost
2) Fuel Adjustment Levelization Fund: Link Fund Cap to GRU Fuel Budget
3) General Fund Transfer: Remain Below GRU 6-Year Low of 9.0%
4) Governance: Create Appointed Utility Authority to govern GRU
Click here for more information on the Chamber Energy Report.
The Chamber Energy Report was the result of several months of research comparing Gainesville’s energy costs and GRU’s governance structure to peer cities across the nation, conducted by the Chamber’s Energy Study Group, consisting of 12 volunteers led by N. David Flagg, former Mayor of Gainesville and State Representative, and Dr. David A. Denslow, Jr., retired University of Florida economist.
Energy Study Group members included Charles W. Anchors, Jr., North Florida Regional Healthcare; Dean R. Cheshire, Cheshire Companies; Ken Cornell, Bosshardt Realty; Rich Blaser, Infinite Energy; Chuck Clemons, Santa Fe College; Rosemary F. Fagler, Plum Creek; Mike Giampietro, Generation Wy; Joel Islam, Florida Food Service; Perry C. McGriff, Jr., McGriff, Fletcher, Johnson Insurance; and the Reverend Dr. N. LaMonte Newsome.