

UF Connects to Internet2, Expanding Power 10-fold

By: Chris Eversole The University of Florida has activated an ultra-high-speed connection to the Internet2 Innovation Platform, expanding power 10-fold and offering a computing network found in only three other places in the United States. UF activated its 100 Gbps connection Jan. 30, a move that is expected to unleash scientific discovery and collaboration on...

Gainesville Regional Airport Pursuing Direct Flights to NYC

By: Caitlyn Finnegan Gainesville Regional Airport (GNV) is continuing its battle to secure a direct flight route to New York City. Airport officials are asking for input from the community regarding a nonstop service to the New York City Metro area to help build its case to present to legacy airline route planners. GNV has...

Envision Alachua Phase II Community Workshop

In participation with the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce’s Innovation Gainesville, Plum Creek will host its first community workshop for Phase II of Envision Alachua on February 7 from 5:30p.m. to 8:30p.m. at the MLK Center located at 1028 N.E. 14th Street in Gainesville. Envision Alachua is a community planning process to discuss future economic and...

UF’s Young Entrepreneur Program Seeking Mentors and Support

By: Caitlyn Finnegan The University of Florida’s Young Entrepreneurs for Leadership and Sustainability (YELS) summer program is looking for successful local entrepreneurs to share their experiences with a new batch of business-minded high schoolers. Coming up on its seventh year of operation, the program selects 40 high school students to spend a portion of their...

Sandvik Alachua Celebrates Milestone

By Chris Eversole Sandvik Alachua is celebrating the manufacturing of 100 DR500-series drill rigs. These drill rigs offer surface mining customers the only boom-mounted high pressure DTH (down the hole) drills in the market made specifically for mining. According to Sandvik Mining President Gary Hughes, this milestone cements the drill series as a global player...

Deadline Extended for $50,000 Cade Museum Prize

By Caitlyn Finnegan Those interested in collecting the $50,000 Cade Museum Prize for innovation still have time to submit an entry to be reviewed; the deadline has been extended to Feb. 8. Awarded to innovative projects in the early stages of development, the prize provides seed capital and helps generate publicity for the winning product...

Realtors Celebrate History

Honor Holden for 40 years as GACAR attorney and unveil “Wall of Honor.” By Chris Eversole History took center stage at the Gainesville-Alachua County Association of Realtors Installation and Awards Banquet. The highlight of the evening was the recognition of Charles “Chic” Holden for his 40 years of service as GACAR’s board attorney and the...

Realtors Celebrate History

Honor Holden for 40 years as GACAR attorney and unveil “Wall of Honor.” By Chris Eversole History took center stage at the Gainesville-Alachua County Association of Realtors Installation and Awards Banquet. The highlight of the evening was the recognition of Charles “Chic” Holden for his 40 years of service as GACAR’s board attorney and the...

New Park-n-Ride Facility Open

By: Chris Eversole RTS opened its first official Park-n-Ride facility on Monday, Feb., 4 at the new Walmart Supercenter located off of NW 34th Street, just south of U.S. 441. Commuters are allowed to park their vehicles in the designated park-n-ride area within the Wal-Mart parking lot and ride RTS Route 8 to the University...

GAIN to Hosting Crowdfunding Workshop Feb. 13

By: Chris Eversole EarlyShares will outline funding opportunities and regulations. The Gainesville Area Innovation Network (GAIN) and Santa Fe College’s Center for Innovation and Economic Development (CIED) are hosting a presentation on the Crowdfunding platform EarlyShares. The workshop and a networking mixer will be at 4pm Feb. 13 at 4 p.m. at CIED’s campus, 530...