Chamber releases “State of Regional Manufacturing” report
The Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce released its “2013 State of the Regional Manufacturing Sector” report on April 22. The report is the result of a partnership between the Chamber and the Advanced Manufacturing Association of North Central Florida – which is now the Advanced Manufacturing Council under the Chamber – that began in June...
Envision Alachua enters phase III
Plum Creek held the first Envision Alachua Task Force Meeting for Phase III on April 17, providing an update on initiatives and a preliminary timeline for plan completion and submittal to the county. Envision’s economic progress initiative will develop further with site visits to successful technology hubs like the North Carolina Research Triangle (41,000 jobs...
Chamber and county join forces on economic development
Alachua County and the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce came together on April 16 for the first of a series of meetings to try to replicate the success that the Chamber has had in its partnership with the City of Gainesville on economic development. The 34-part Initiative plan includes creating a combined Alachua County economic...
New technology labs unveiled for low-income students
The Gainesville Housing Authority, Cox Communications, the NAACP and several other community partners held a three-stage ceremony on April 16 to cut the ribbon on three brand-new On-Site Technology Labs – complete with new computers and access to high-speed Internet – in three of the Gainesville’s low-income areas. Gainesville City Commissioner Yvonne Hinson-Rawles said during...
GTEC plan nears completion
The Gainesville Technology Enterprise Center is well on its way to transforming into a new hub for innovation and commerce in East Gainesville. At a public meeting on April 16 in the current facility, located off of southeast Hawthorne Road, the Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency provided a look at a 60 percent complete master plan...
Dance marathon raises record-breaking $1.5 million for shands
– University of Florida Dance Marathon at the University of Florida celebrated its 20th anniversary over the weekend by raising a record-crushing $1.5 million for UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital, Gainesville’s Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. More than 800 UF students stayed awake and on their feet for 26.2 hours Saturday through Sunday at the Stephen...
Shands patient named 2014 Children’s Miracle Network Champion
The Children’s Miracle Network has named a boundlessly energetic kindergartener and UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital patient 2014’s Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Florida Champion. Nathan Ferrell was diagnosed just before his first birthday with mitochondrial disease, which attacks the body’s cellular power generators. He has had several operations and implants to address digestive issues and...
Skanska contracted for shands expansion
Skanska has signed a $225 million contract to build an expansion of the UF Health Shands Cardiovascular/Neuroscience Hospital in Gainesville. The 48,000 square meter conversion will be constructed adjacent to the UF Health Shands Cancer Hospital, which was completed by Skanska USA in 2009. Construction will begin in fall/winter 2014 and is expected to be...
Former LucasArts president is new Trendy Entertainment CEO
– Trendy Entertainment Trendy Entertainment, creators of the multi-platform tower defense meets action-RPG hit, Dungeon Defenders, announced today a prominent transition in leadership, hiring Darrell Rodriguez, a former LucasArts president and Electronic Arts executive, as Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Rodriguez joins the studio as it prepares to launch the company’s highly anticipated sequel to Dungeon...
UF Health Shands executives transition to new roles
– UF Health Two UF Health leaders will assume new roles within the system as of July 1. Timothy M. Goldfarb, CEO of UF Health Shands since 2001, will be the UF Health executive vice president for regional and governmental affairs, and Ed Jimenez, chief operating officer for UF Health Shands Hospital and senior vice...