Featured Stories


Local boutique caters to women with special needs

Especially for Women, a health boutique on Newberry Road in Gainesville, is the only local store of its kind — selling everything from prosthetic breasts and bras for women who have undergone mastectomies to compression hose, bras and pumps for women who are nursing. The store even has a special section with a wide selection...

Sherrilene Classen named UF chair of occupational therapy

Sherrilene Classen, Ph.D., M.P.H., an internationally recognized scientist in driving rehabilitation, has been named chair of the department of occupational therapy at theUniversity of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions. Classen is currently a professor and director of the School of Occupational Therapy at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. She begins her...

Division at UF seeks to promote women-owned businesses

The University of Florida has a robust program to engage small, minority and women-owned businesses. The Division of Small Business and Vendor Diversity Relations (SBVDR), led by Director Kathey Porter, is charged with identifying small, minority and women-owned businesses to do business with UF and implement programs to increase their long-term viability and success. A...

All sorts of banking options available in Gainesville

There are all sorts of financial institutions in Gainesville, happy to take deposits, fund loans and rent out their safety deposit boxes for the convenience of customers. Lumping all the different types of banking facilities into a single category can be confusing, and incorrect. From small to large, the banks and savings and loans that...

UF alum donates $10 million to chemistry department

A son of Cuban immigrants who has three University of Florida degrees has invested $10 million in his alma mater to enhance UF’s chemistry department so future chemists and other alumni will be better positioned to explore solutions to society’s greatest challenges. New York entrepreneur Joseph Hernandez’s gift creates an endowment that will forever provide...

Front Street Named Finalist for National Real Estate Award

National Real Estate Investor (NREI) & Information Management Network (IMN) announced Front Street Commercial Real Estate Group as finalists for the inaugural 2016 Commercial Real Estate Awards. The awards recognize firms exhibiting superior performance that have consistently led and exemplified the highest degree of business excellence and forward thinking in the commercial real estate industry. The NREI/IMN 2016 Commercial Real Estate Awards celebrate excellence...

Gainesville Dev Academy & Youthcombine Launch STEAM Summer Camp for Kids

The Gainesville Dev Academy has partnered with Youthcombine, a non-profit youth fitness organization in Gainesville, to offer a STEAM summer camp for kids. Each week-long course is designed to provide education about specific coding and art + design topics. Each day is split up with sessions dedicated to coding/technology, art + design, and fitness programming. Visit http://youthcombine.org/steamacademy/ for more information. SEMESTER SCHEDULE...

Gainesville Delegation of Leaders Travels to Silicon Valley

Fourteen Greater Gainesville leaders in business, education, government and economic development recently traveled to Silicon Valley to educate site selectors, business decision makers and venture capitalists on the opportunities available in Greater Gainesville. This year, in addition to our assets–which include a preeminent state university, the Nation’s No. 1 community college and the state’s most educated workforce and low business and...

A guide to summer sipping on the wines from Alsace

Uncorked – No-Nonsense Tips from a Local Wine Professional By Justin Hall Now that summer has arrived, you may be wondering what wine to uncork while lounging by the pool or enjoying a light, seasonal meal with loved ones. Why not a chilled, refreshing white to combat the heat? There are many regions and varietals that...

Regina Bussing named chair of psychiatry at UF College of Medicine

University of Florida College of Medicine leaders have appointed Regina Bussing, M.D., chair of the department of psychiatry. Bussing, a leader in developing comprehensive treatment approaches to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, and other mental-health disorders of childhood and adolescence, was also appointed the Donald R. Dizney endowed chair in psychiatry, established in 2006...