Featured Stories


Education stars as major player in Gainesville’s tech startup community

With a shared goal to change the world and improve learning strategies through technology, innovative EdTech startups emerge into Gainesville’s startup community with a bang. EdTech startups act as bright spots, ideas worth emulating, for entrepreneurs who seek to reform the methods in which education is offered. Gainesville-based Education startups like Knack, Omninox, Immersed Games,...

Congress approves two new VA facilities in Gainesville

The U.S. Senate unanimously approved legislation authorizing seven new major VA medical facilities in Florida. The legislation included language originally sponsored by U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) authorizing the General Services Administration to execute 28 new leases for major VA medical facilities around the country, including seven in Florida. The new Florida facilities will be...

Q & A with Jason Reeves of Mathnasium of Gainesville

TBR: How would you describe what the Mathnasium Learning Center is for those who are not familiar with the business? Reeves: Mathnasium is an international franchise with over 860 locations around the world. We specialize in mathematics instruction for students in grades 1-12. Our students learn math in a way that makes sense to them....

For small businesses, education and innovation go hand in hand

There used to be a time when creativity and innovation were only associated with artists, musicians, writers, and the like. It didn’t take much for an organization to stand out, as competition wasn’t so intense…as long as it was a little different, it was perceived as innovative, making it easy for someone to dominate the...

Gainesville events win four state awards at Florida Festivals and Events Association convention

Recognizing Florida’s best events, the Florida Festivals & Events Association (FFEA) recently announced the winners of its annual SUNsational Awards during their 23rd annual convention and tradeshow. Four different events produced by the City of Gainesville Parks, Recreation & Cultural Affairs Department were honored with four awards. Jest Fest!, which features world-acclaimed comedy/variety and cirque style...

Local whey protein manufacturer gives back to the community

Founded in November of 2011, Whey Natural! USA LLC is based in Gainesville at 4581 NW 6th Street, Suite H, and is a Veteran-owned business incorporated in the State of Florida and registered with the FDA. Whey Natural! USA was conceived as a company with intentions to revolutionize the ​whey protein industry with a superior...

4th annual Folk in the Springs

The Fourth Annual Folk in the Springs Event will be held Sunday, September 17th from 12-8pm and will host acoustic artists from all over North Central Florida. Performances will be a part of a walking tour throughout the High Springs historic downtown area. The event, produced by the High Springs Music in the Park Series,...

Human Foosball leads to Xtraordinary Joy

Foosball – the popular tabletop game involving quick spins and slides of bars mounted with doll-size figures used to propel or block a ball racing toward a goal – is breaking away from the dimly lit bar scene and finding new life – literally – in local fundraisers, team building events and parties focused on...

Local startups get the chance to meet investors, win cash prizes

$10,000 in cash prizes is up for grabs in the upcoming Gainesville Area Innovation Network (GAIN) Shootout, on November 1st, 2017. In the fight for the win, teams of local startups will be granted the chance to pitch business ideas to a group of expert judges, including industry venture capitalists. Startups from disciplines such as...

Your wealth: avoiding the mistakes of the many

In a recent article from the Intelligent Investor column of the Wall Street Journal, contributor Jason Zweig pointed out that investors in mutual funds earn annual returns roughly 1 to 1.5 percentage points lower than those of their funds. In hedge funds, it can be as much as 7 percentage points1. In short, it is...