Alachua County Seeks Proposals for Gun Violence Prevention Grant Initiative

The Alachua County Commission has declared gun violence a public health crisis and believes this important work can prevent or reduce the prevalence of gun violence include concerns for others, developing work and family aspirations, and adult social supports, among other factors.
Alachua County is seeking proposals from non-governmental, grassroots organizations, and emerging small businesses to provide programs and services addressing known risk and protective factors associated with gun violence. Common risk factors associated with gun violence include substance use, perceived and actual inequalities in how someone is treated, exposure to violence, gang affiliation, access to guns, and many others.
Funding awards are limited to a maximum of $10,000.00 for each proposal, with a total of $50,000.00 awarded under this program. All funds must be expended before Sept. 30, 2025.
Those wanting to apply should visit the OpenGov website and review all of the relevant material. When ready to apply, go to the Project Documents tab and click on item 9. Submittals.
All applications must be completed and submitted electronically via OpenGov by midnight on Dec. 11, 2024. No late proposals will be accepted. Proposals that do not meet the grant criteria will be rejected. Application rules and instructions, including the complete Request for Applications (RFA) document, are available on the site. Interested vendors are encouraged to read all related documents before beginning an application.
An optional information session will be held for interested agencies. The session will cover the application process, using the application site, and tips for a successful proposal. The voluntary pre-application meeting is on Nov. 25 at 9 a.m. at Alachua County Community Support Services Conference Room A (218 SE 24 St., Gainesville). Participants can also use Microsoft Teams (Meeting ID: 261 055 472 939 Passcode: gv98NQ).