Call for Ideas: County Commission looks to public for ideas on future of Camp McConnell land
The Alachua County Commission is looking for ideas on how best to use a 212-acre property (formerly the YMCA’s Camp McConnell, located just south of Paynes Prairie) by issuing a “Request for Statements of Interest.” The purpose of this process is to help the Commission determine the most creative and cost-effective ways to utilize this property (to benefit Alachua County citizens).
The request is open to all for-profit, non-profit, and governmental organizations. All interested parties are encouraged to submit ideas concerning the management and operation of the property. Purchase or long-term lease agreements will be considered, with the understanding that it is likely that the property will be protected by a conservation easement of similar mechanism.
The County purchased the property at auction in July of 2017, for $1,027,000. The Commission determined that the property was strategically located to be an important part of the system of natural areas of Gainesville and Micanopy.
The Alachua County Commission will not consider the selection of any proposal or make any award based on this Request for Statements of Interest. Due to legal requirements, this request is the first part of a multi-phase process. The Statements of Interest will be used to help decide whether the County should retain ownership of the property. If the Commission decides to sell the property, it must follow a bidding process. If the Commission decides to retain ownership, a request for management proposals will likely to be issued.
All Statements of Interest must be received by the County Purchasing Department on the third floor of the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville) by 2 p.m. on February 14, 2018. There will be an opportunity for interested parties to inspect the property at an Open House at 10 a.m. January 26, 2018. County staff will be on hand to provide information about the property and to answer questions.
For more information, contact the Alachua County Parks and Conservation Lands Director Charlie Houder at 352-264-2804.