Mental Health Awareness Week Open House for Gainesville Opportunity Center
What: Gainesville Opportunity Center opens its doors to the public to raise awareness for Mental Health in North Central Florida.
Where: Gainesville Opportunity Center, 102 NE 10th Avenue, Gainesville, FL 32601
When: Thursday, October 3, 4pm – 7pm
Contact: Sarah Barnes: 843.812.3334 –
About: The week of October 2 is Mental Health Awareness Week. 1 in 4 adults have a mental illness. Members come to the Gainesville Opportunity Center from a referral by their doctor or therapist after a mental illness diagnosis. The clubhouse supports them as they get back on their feet, resume employment in the workforce, and become successful members of the community. Gainesville Opportunity Center is one of 320 clubhouses in the world and the only one in North Central Florida.
The clubhouse is run by the members; completing tasks, learning job skills, cooking meals, and engaging in therapeutic activities like artwork and soon, gardening. The director and advisors of the GOC help members build resumes, prepare for interviews, and 25% of members are now currently employed.
What members say about the GOC:
“I thank the GOC for letting me feel like I’m contributing to the community; that I’m doing something valuable with my life.”
“It’s very welcoming; we all have a common bond.”