Health Care Leads in Employment in Most Congressional Districts
For the first time, congressional office staff and their constituents can analyze the business patterns of the nation’s 435 congressional districts. These new statistics are available through the U.S. Census Bureau’s updated My Congressional District Web application.
Annual County Business Patterns data joins the latest statistics from the American Community Survey to provide the most detailed portrait of America’s congressional districts for the 114th Congress. With statistics spanning 19 economic sectors, County Business Patterns paint a statistical portrait of the businesses that fuel the economy county by county and congressional district by congressional district.
For example, the health care and social assistance sector(NAICS 62) employs the most people in 55.7 percent of congressional districts (243 out of 435 congressional districts plus the District of Columbia). The health care and social assistance sector also leads in annual payroll in 49.3 percent of congressional districts (215 out of 435 congressional districts plus the District of Columbia).
“My Congressional District is an extremely valuable application for anyone conducting analysis of our nation’s congressional districts,” Census Bureau Director John H. Thompson said. “Combining data on population, education, business, housing, employment, and many other topics makes this user-friendly tool now even more powerful than ever before.”
County Business Patterns statistics provides the only annual data at the local level on the number of establishments, employees and annual payroll for nearly 1,200 industries at the national, state, county and now congressional district levels.
A major feature of the My Congressional District app is the ability to embed a widget with a selected congressional district’s statistics on a user’s own Web page. The embedded district will allow visitors to view statistics for any of the 435 congressional districts and the District of Columbia. Once embedded, the widget’s displayed statistics will automatically update from theCensus Bureau’s application programming interface when new statistics are available.
Users can sort through statistics in six key categories by selecting a district in the tool and quickly display the data, download by state, or share it with others. Users will be able to download a comprehensive national file, with the upcoming 2014 County Business Patterns data release in April.
Congressional District Business Data Highlights (Includes the District of Columbia)
- In two-thirds (67.2 percent) of the nation’s congressional districts (293 out of 435 congressional districts plus the District of Columbia), the retail sector (NAICS 44-45) had the most establishments.
- The health care and social assistance sector employed the most people in more than half (55.7 percent) of the country’s congressional districts (243 out of 435 congressional districts plus the District of Columbia).
- The management of companies and enterprises sector (NAICS 55) had the highest average annual payroll per employee in 46.1 percent of congressional districts (201 out of 435 congressional districts plus the District of Columbia.
The health care and social assistance sector had the highest annual payroll in 49.3 percent of congressional districts (215 out of 435 congressional districts plus the District of Columbia)